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: Manager : Mon, 1 August 2022, 10:42 AM

Buyer Survey Hotel Buffet Tickets Prize Events

Seoul Int'l Sourcing Fair Buyer
Visit Demands Survey Prize Events


Hello, This is Seoul Int'l Sourcing Fair 

We are on the survey for online platform registered buyers
regarding the exhibition buyer visit demands. 
Seoul Int'l Sourcing Fair will provide SHILLA Stay Hotel
Buffet Tickets(about 55 USD for couple)
for respondents by the draw. 
Please fill out the short survey
questions,taking only 3 minutes until 8th August 2022.
All the survey results will be used only for Seoul Int'l Sourcing Fair marketing purposes and discarded after analyzing the answers. 
📌Seoul Int'l Sourcing Fair 2022
29th[THU] Sep. - 1st[SAT] Oct. ㅣ coex Hall B
📞Any other requests TEL. +822-6000-8152
EMAIL. sipremium@coex.co.kr

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